
How to appreciate someone for good work

To appreciate is not flattery.
To appreciate is not a crime.
To appreciate is not always selfish.

To appreciate can also be an attribute.
Gratitude towards anything, anyone, or any place that gives solace to the heart brings a feeling of happiness.

When happiness comes from others, why not say thank you by appreciating?
Even our devotional prayers and all our worship are beautifully and artistically framed in words or melody to please and offer gratitude to the divine. In return, we receive happiness.

As you sow, so shall you reap.
So, appreciate the universe in one way or another, and receive the same from others.
Appreciation can melt the heart of the Himalayas.
Appreciation can turn the wind to blow in your direction.
Appreciation can change the flow of rivers.
And appreciation can bring you the utmost happiness when you breathe in and out consciously.

So, appreciate your own consciousness and this universe of which you are just a part.
Say thank you to God that you have been given the attribute of appreciation, not merely an attitude.
For this greatness, I feel gratitude towards you, oh God.
Let me appreciate you in every way, and this I only want to say:

“Siyaram Maya sab Jag jaani karhun pranam Jori jug Pani.”


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